Friday, May 29, 2009


QUESTION: Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep more quickly than any other?

Well, First thought into my head was sports. But then I thought to my self, "self, you have never actually been put to sleep by the topic, you just don't understand any of it" So I had to think...HMMMM... and the only thing I could think of that ALWAYS puts me to sleep is ... you guessed it...and I bet its the same for you....General Conference! Its not that I don't find it interesting and extremely wonderful but NO MATTER HOW HARD I try I cannot stay awake for all of conference. It must be their voices. I just don't get it. OR maybe its like casting pearls before swine....Heavenly father knows I won't understand the topic so he puts me to sleep so it won't confuse me. IDK. I thought that with getting older it would be easier to stay awake, nope, its only easier to sleep because I don't have dad throwing pillows at me. BUT I do try hard and can usually make it through a good amount of the 2 hour block.

1 comment:

  1. Politics! I wish that it was not so, and that I was more informed with what is going on in the world.... but I don't., It just depresses me, and I find it leaves my brain feeling numb the first talk of it. I have wanted to change that, because it is important to know what it is going on.... I just can't. Maybe one day....
