Friday, May 22, 2009

I wanna be black.

QUESTION: If you had to be of a different ethnicity than you actually are, to which heritage would you most like to belong?

If you know me at all you already know the answer to this question.... African American. They have it all! They have great skin, they can wear wigs and not have to do their hair. They can sing AND dance like nobody's business. Black people just seem to have more fun. There is kind of a catch though. Sometimes they don't completely "have it together." Take Joelle from the biggest loser. She doesn't "get it." But I guess my Caucasian descent can have some crazies too. I would rather be black and crazy than white and crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought I would want to be black... but I think some sort of polynesian! They are the happiest people. Not a care in the world.... maybe a little anger problem, but I think I already have that!
