Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Class is now in session

QUESTION: What is the most interesting course you have ever taken in school? On the other hand, what is the most boring course you have ever taken in school?

Most interesting would be Astronomy! Good thing I liked it because I had to take it twice. I guess I wasn't so good at it the first time around becase I failed. :) BUT it was the coolest class the 2nd time. Learning about all the planets and space was very interesting. It was also a fun class becuase it had a lab with it where we went out into the desert for 2 weekends with our telescopes and had a good time. Brother Tyson was in the class with me and also father of my 6 children Rex. It was a party.

Most boring course would have to be history. Its not that I don't like history because I do but this teacher was torture!! I think I dropped the class after 4 weeks. Very Mundane and monotone. I think history can be very interesting but when the teacher stands in front of the class with a power point EVERY DAY it can put me sleep faster than nascar.

1 comment:

  1. My most interesting class was a medical terminology class... call me lame, but I loved it! I was fun to learn how to comprehend all the medical terms and be able to figure them out even if you have never heard of them. We learned a little bit of A&P in that class too, and that is when I decided I wanted to be a nurse!
    The most boring class I have taken would have to be a biology class in high school with Mr. Spitzer... he was the most dry, boring teacher EVER!!! Maybe I could have decided to be a nurse in high school if I had a more interesting teacher :)
