Wuyuan, China. Let me show you why....

Now the real question might be, Will I ever get into a hot air balloon again? When I was younger, maybe 10, I got to take a hot air balloon ride. I actually just had to question myself. Growing up with 6 siblings if we ever got to do something really cool there was usually another sibling along. In my memory of this hot air balloon ride I am all alone so maybe it was all a dream and I have gone my life thinking it was really? After calling dad I did infact get to take a hot air balloon ride when I was younger. SO it was real! Well, this hot air balloon crashed, WITH ME IN IT! I remember thinking, DUDE, we need more air! The ground is SO close. They driver guy didn't panic. He didn't even tell me to hold on our brace myself. He must have been REALLY freaked out by what was happening. The ground was coming closer and closer and we started bouncing and jolting across the surface of the earth. We eventually stopped and had to wait for someone to come get us! It was pretty scary. If I did get a chance to float over Wuyuan China I would JUMP at the chance.
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