Wednesday, June 16, 2010

the real deal

QUESTION: What is the c-c-coldest you have ever been in your life, and what is the (whew!!!) hottest you have ever been in your life?

Coldest. Camping trip to Payson in NOVEMBER. Yeah. What the HELL where we thinking? it.was.freezing. I had 4 blankets and 1 sleeping bag and that wasn't enough. I didn't sleep at all so the night just kept dragging on. Luckily I had my roommates dog munchkin with me and she slept at the bottom of my sleeping bag so my feet were warm. I think this should show you how cold I was ..... I let a DOG sleep in MY sleepingbag. Do you know how I don'

Hottest was in EGYPT. Walking around the pyramids. It was hot, and sticky, and dusty and completely wonderful. I felt like I was walking around a movie set in Hollywood, ONLY IT WAS THE REAL DEAL PEOPLE!!!
QUESTION: If you could change the ending to any movie you have ever seen, what movie would it be and how would you alter the way it ends?

I AM LEGEND had a horrible ending. My sisters keeper was awful. DEAR JOHN WAS A JOKE. I think Dear John takes the cake on this one. What the heck! I wouldn't change the ending, I would just never start filming.

Can't compare.

QUESTION: If, for your next birthday, someone offered to make you the ultimate dessert of your choice, what great concoction would you request? Be deliciously specific!

hmmmm... I don't really like dessert, so this question doesn't sound specific to me. I like better than sex cake. It's cold, it's got eagle brand milk, caramel, chocolate, heath bar. It's a mixture of goodness. Now, the virgin in me can't compare it with sex, but its pretty darn good.

without fail.

QUESTION: When people find out what you do for a living, what is the most typical question that they are likely to ask you regarding your job?

They always ALWAYS ask, "do you know so and so?" Everyone knows someone who works here. I never know so and so.

Elijah wood is hottt

QUESTION: Considering all the big-screen movies that you have ever seen, which one do you believe had the greatest emotional impact on you?

One that I always remember and gets me crying everytime is DEEP IMPACT.

Check it out. watch it. love it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happiness loves company too....

QUESTION: If you could know one fact about every person you ever meet, what particular fact would you want it to be? (Assume that the other person would not have to be aware that you know this fact about them.)

I would want to know what act I could do to make them happy.
What phrase I could say to make them smile.
What story I could share to put a bounce in their step.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Egyptian cotton

QUESTION: If you could have any object or place in the world completely to yourself for one day, what would you choose?

My first thought was DISNEYLAND but then what would DISNEYLAND be without people to share it with! So the tricky part to this question is what would you want to do ALL DAY, ALONE, that would make you happy? When I was younger I would have chosen the nintendo! I hated having to share with the siblings. Now its more fun with a friend. I woudn't want to hog a waterfall all to myself. I wouldn't want to be alone all day in the most beautiful forest. Maybe just a king size bed and a HUGE TV. I would sleep and watch movies and RELAX. That is the prayer of the weary.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lets leave for it now.

QUESTION: If you were asked to create the ultimate vacation destination, where would it be located and what would it be like?

It wouldn't be easily accessible. You would have to get there by boat or by plane. No land road in. This makes it feel more secluded and more anticipation to get there. It would be a beach destination with PLENTY of water. Hiking trails. Bike rentals. Outside fitness classes followed by an outdoor massage. Low key entertainment at night. no dancing just shows and relaxing by the fresh water. Waiters serving chilled drinks. There would ALWAYS be a slight breeze and a full moon. At this stage in my life I would make it a destination where NO KIDS are allowed. Sorry. Leave them home or go to disneyland.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


QUESTION: If snow could fall in any flavor, what flavor would you choose?

COCONUT!! I would love for it to be Grape because thats my fav but coconut seems more fitting.
QUESTION: If you could be the spokesperson for any product on the market, what product would you choose to enthusiastically represent?

Toilet paper.

It happened to Trisha once.

In your opinion, what is the best piece of music ever written?

Surprisingly, I don't know enough about the classics to answer this question intelligently. HOWEVER. I love Birds, by Kate Nash. It's a clever, fun song that can pretty much sum up relationships in a funny way. cool.

Thats right. I went there.

QUESTION: Suppose that instead of having a name, you had a number, and people would always refer to you as that number. What number would you want to take the place of your name? (Your number can have as many or as few digits as you would like.)

Uh, Numero UNO. DUH


QUESTION: If you could design any new ride or attraction for Walt Disney World, what would it be?

I think if they designed a ride after THE INCREDIBLES it would be pretty cool!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I love Comedy

If, instead of actually writing out your name, you now had to "sign" your name with a simple drawing of something, what would you draw each time to represent who you are?

oh man, oh man. All that comes to mind is a Dane Cook joke, about a Monkey, and a coconut. hmmmm....


when we're helping we're happy.

QUESTION: What is something you really enjoy doing that is a chore or a bore for many people?

I enjoy cleaning! It's calming, relaxing, and a clean house is the best feeling. Just to relax in a clean house, in clean clothes, all warm and fuzzy. I want that right now.

chuck norris has nothing on this

QUESTION: If you could be one of America's "most wanted," but wanted because of some great skill you posses, what skill would you want to have?

The ability to read minds. How much easier would life be. *sigh* Maybe its just my current mood of confusing but this would help SO much.

Monday, March 8, 2010

If it were only true.

QUESTION: If you could add one month to the calendar year, inserting it between two existing months, where would you put the extra 30 days? (you can ssume that the weather for this new month will be a mix of the weather typical of the month preceding it and following it.)

It's no secret that I am a warm weather gal. The lake and warm weather and I get along just fine. As well as camping and hiking and running and biking and sprinklers and fireworks and all the other good things that come with warm weather. So I am going to add this beautiful month inbetween May and June. AHHH how purrrrrfect life would be.

I win

QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the most beautiful man-made boject in the world?

God is a man, right? Or at least we are made after his image... So I am going to go with me. I am the most beautiful.

I miss her.

QUESTION: What is your favorite saying or quotation?

Make it a great day!

My Grandma Haws would always tell us this. :) The whole family still uses it even though she has passed.

Friday, February 26, 2010


QUESTION: If you could live in any state other than the one in which you currently reside, which state would you choose?

Tough question! I would love to life in california! I love the energy there and all the GREEEEEN. The hills are neat too. I love how its not on a grid pattern but on the other hand the grids are NICE when it comes to getting lost. I love the warmth and that it is close to family.

I would love to live in a lighthouse in maine....but they probably have lighthouses in California...hmmm....

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I will never let go

QUESTION: If you could get one thing back that was either lost or destroyed, what would it be?

The first thing that came to my mind was the titanic! I bet that would be SO cool to see! :)

Okay this last one was just to ridiculous to not put! haha

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I fooled you!

QUESTION: Almost everyone can recall a missed photo opportunity because he/she did not have a camera. What moment above all others do you wish you could have caught on film?

WELLLLLLL.... I always have my camera with me. In my purse in all of its bulkyness. :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As long as I don't have to give up my soul like Ariel.

QUESTION: If you could have the voice of any famous person, living or deceased, whose voice would you want to claim as your own?

Celin Dion no question about it!! She has so much power and femininity in her voice. She can sing me to sleep any night of the week. She is so fun AND married an older man. I think that rocks.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's load up the BUS!

QUESTION: What is one trip you have never taken but would really like to take someday?
2 places.

Mt Rushmore. My mom told me a story about when she was in college. A group of peeps loaded into a van, drove to Mt. Rushmore, got back in the car and drove home! It was a quick trip and she said they had a good time. Since then I have wanted to have a trip do this! Its an amazing sight!!

and A Joseph Smith History Tour.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Can't choose

QUESTION: If you were given the opportunity to be an apprentice to any person, living or deceased, from whom would you want to learn?

I would LOVE to learn from the current prophet but would be EXTREMELY ashamed to be in their presence.

It would be fun to hang out with Tyra Banks. I think she is such a strong and confident woman.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blue Moon

QUESTION: Suppose for a momoent that you are truly color-blind: all you can see is black and white. Then one day you wake up to find you can now see one color. Which color would you want it to be?

I love all the colors in nature. I would love to be able to see blue. The sky. The water. blue, blue, blue.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

QUESTION: If you could hear a speech from the leading figure in any field, whom would you choose to hear?

I am not one for speeches. It might as well ask, who do you want to be bored by. Well thats not completely true. Give me someone who tells personal stories, short quotes and has some good jokes and I am entertained. So lets call on the comedians for this one!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back to the Future

QUESTION: When you look back on the life you have lived to this point, what in particular amazes you the most?

The fact that NOTHING went as I planned.
OR maybe its that I didn't plan so I am where I am?
I thought I would be a different person at 25.
No regrets though, its been fun.

Monday, February 1, 2010

QUESTION: What was your favorite thing to pretend when you were a young child?

We lived right in the mountains so we had infinate space as our playground. We would hike up the mountain, past white wash, past our fort, through the grasslands and to a little area where there was a post. This was more than a metal property line marker. to us it was a MAGIC post. It was a trasnporter that could send us anywhere we wanted to go. We would all latch on and then run as fast as we could away from it. haha it was so fun. Most of the time we would send ourselves to Disneyland or Grandma's house.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Start up the hot air!!

QUESTION: If you could float in a hot-air balloon over any city or place in the world, What would you choose to float over?

Wuyuan, China. Let me show you why....

Now the real question might be, Will I ever get into a hot air balloon again? When I was younger, maybe 10, I got to take a hot air balloon ride. I actually just had to question myself. Growing up with 6 siblings if we ever got to do something really cool there was usually another sibling along. In my memory of this hot air balloon ride I am all alone so maybe it was all a dream and I have gone my life thinking it was really? After calling dad I did infact get to take a hot air balloon ride when I was younger. SO it was real! Well, this hot air balloon crashed, WITH ME IN IT! I remember thinking, DUDE, we need more air! The ground is SO close. They driver guy didn't panic. He didn't even tell me to hold on our brace myself. He must have been REALLY freaked out by what was happening. The ground was coming closer and closer and we started bouncing and jolting across the surface of the earth. We eventually stopped and had to wait for someone to come get us! It was pretty scary. If I did get a chance to float over Wuyuan China I would JUMP at the chance.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

QUESTION: What type of service to others or good deed done for other people do you personally find the most rewarding?

It doesn't really matter what the deed is, the reward is in their appreciation for the deed. The praise and thanks is always worth it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

That was fun

QUESTION: If you had to rearrange the letters of your first name to give yourself a new name, what would your new name be?


Now what country would I be from with that name?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Say yes to Phoenix

QUESTION: If the daytime high temperature had to be exactly the same every day of the year, what would you want the temperature to be?


That would be a dream come true! Lake day EVERY day.

This is a picture from the lake I spend the most time at. Lake Powell is the favorite though. :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

World records

QUESTION: What world record would you most want to establish if you could?

Biggest crafting company profit in 1 year.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Please enlighten us!!!!

QUESTION: If you had to come up with one question for a national opinion poll, what question would you most want to pose to the American public?

My question for the American public would be, exactly how did Obama become to be President?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

For the brave that isn't me.

QUESTION: IF, with your safety guaranteed, you could experience something considered very dangerous, what would you want to experience most of all?

Going INTO a volcano would be pretty cool, I think.

Sitting in a Shark Cage would be neat.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is there a way to choose?

QUESTION: If you were completely deaf but were somehow able to hear for one hour each month, what would you most often want to hear for that hour?

I would love to hear the voices of my family and friends. That would be music to my ears.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There is never just one.

QUESTION: What is your all-time favorite scene from a movie?

I love movies so there is no way I can pick just one. I can watch a movie and recite the one liners for days. Its a fun way to add comedy to conversations when the opportunity arises.

Favorites scenes would be found in the following movies.

Baby Mama
YES, Man
House Bunny
Tommy Boy
Dumb and Dumber

Monday, January 11, 2010

MOM is here, With cupcakes!!

QUESTION: Besides your real birthday, what is one other date on the calendar that you think would have been a great day to be born?

Any date within the school year!!! I had a summer birthday and let me tell you THEY ARE THE WORST. Your friends don't remember to get you a present. You don't get to bring cupcakes to all your friends. Its harder to get birthday party announcements to your friends, etc. Your birthday just gets forgotten. I always wished I had a school year birthday.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Well I am still kinda young...

QUESTION: If you were writing an autobiography, what would be the book's title (besides your name)?

Adventures of the forever youthful

Thursday, January 7, 2010

But would I be able to understand it?

QUESTION: If you could have any book instantly memorized cover to cover, which book would you choose?

The book of Mormon. Duh.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lavender, get on my head.

QUESTION: If everyone were required to wear a hat at all times, what sort of hat would you wear?
I would want something a little funky with great art inspiration. Something that would make me feel crafty and cute and would be an inspiration for the rest of my outfit.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

can't sit still

QUESTION: What is something you always used to love to do that, during the last year or two, you feel like you've outgrown or lost interest in doing?

Watching movies!! I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I used to watch movie after movie. Now I get so bored and start itching to be moving about and doing something else. I am glad I have outgrown it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

QUESTION: What do you think is the best conversation piece in your home?

Well I have a pillow from Egypt on the couch. That usually gets a lot of questions. I don't have any great pieces in my home since I don't have a home yet.